You can also protect yourself by insisting on tenant's insurance, requesting a damage deposit, and insist on cheque payments only. 您还可以通过要求租客购买租客保险,以及要求只用支票付款。
Academic award parchments will only be issued to graduates after they have returned their gowns and ( in cases of late return, loss or damage) settled all penalty payments. 如未有归还学袍或未有缴交有关罚款(包括:逾期归还、遗失及损毁学袍的费用),同学将不能领取毕业证书。
They have relied heavily on the housing boom, and a turn in the market would damage their ability to meet payments. 它们严重依赖于楼市繁荣,市场逆转将损害它们的支出能力。